Completion of the construction of the uneven crossroads of Baghestan, the intersection of the waterfall with the obotoraby intersection with East Blvd in Qazvin city was placed on the agenda of the National Construction Company. Other projects implemented by this company in Qazvin include non-level intersection of Nasr projects, non-eastern crossroads of MullaSadra, Punak Qazvin residential towers and Hakam Abad administrative tower. Its shold be said that the employer of the Qazvin municipality is a -contractor of the National Construction Company and consultant consultant -of Behin Taradodpars Advisor. So far, the project team has been appointed (the project manager and the supervisor of the workshop of the technical office responsible for implementation). Upon completion of the equipping of the workshop, the site's executive work has begun, and according to the facilities and technical capabilities of the national construction company, the duration of the project is 4 months fore