
The presence of Paya Saman Pars Co. at the 10th National Congress on Civil Engineering

The 10th National Civil Engineering Congress, which was held on April 30th and 31st in Sharif University of Technology, sponsored by Paya Saman-Pars Co.,and was welcomed by the enthusiastic students, employers and contractors. The presence Paya Saman Pars Co. At this National Congress on Civil Engineering. Paya Saman Pars Co., with the establishment of a booth at the exhibition, introduced sub-companies and their capabilities in the field of road, tunnel, dam, airport and building. It should be noted that the closing ceremony of this congress was attended by the Deputy Minister of Roads of Dr. Noorzad, who thanked the company Paya Saman Pars memorial to this company at the end of the ceremony....
Jun 11, 2018 13:44
Number of visit : 1,488


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